JWD chose YRMU as their Charity of the Year

We havebe en so fortunate to have had the support of family run removals, storage, and haulage company JWD for the past 3 years as their chosen charity.

A partnership that was born out of a personal tragedy when the family lost Jacob aged 17 in a car accident in May 2020.

Though the connection is personal the business works tirelessly to raise funds & awareness of the work the charity does to help others.

As a charity of the year, they are involved in our fundraising events including the skydive & Christmas Jumper Day (pictured) last year.

We look forward towelcoming them to Wing walk and Golf Day this year.

They organise their own events too including bingo nights. This year they are hoping for a fishing competition.

The team atJWD and the family volunteer at our event and their support with the Eastbourne Carnival was invaluable.

The lorries carry our logo with pride with one of the lorries dedicated to Jacob as well as a memorial at the HO in Birch Road Eastbourne.

The lorries can be seen traversing the highways and byways around Eastbourne, East Sussex and across the UK and beyond.

They also take part in lorry shows across the country spreading the word about our charity to those who need it and that can support our vital work

Their regular donations enable us to provide the emotional and mental health supportneeded by families after the loss of a young adult – a situation they know only too well.

We are so grateful for their amazing, continued support. We cannot thank you enough.

We are looking for more companies to work with as a chosen charity

Please contact lesley@youraisemeup.co.uk for more details.