New Monthly Donations

We are delighted to have a new monthly donation option on the website!!/

Monthly regular dontions can add up to make a huge impact for our Charity

Choose to donate a regluar £25 a month and over the year this will fund a Support Group for our families

Through these sessions, families meet with others who have experienced the same loss to share thoughts and feelings, gaining emotional and moral support for all family members in a safe environment.

The groups are set up with men, women, siblings and mothers who have lost their only child separately with up to 25 people attending a session.

Two counsellors lead thesessions which are held as discussion groups allowing one counsellor to give one to one support if needed.

Those attending the groups may have suffered their loss a few weeks ago, few months or years ago and they join at any time within that time frame.

The groups provide a long-term support as those further along inthe grieving process can support those just starting.

This builds strong relationships and social connections that helps towards, not just better mental health wellbeing, but a new sense of community.

Thank you for your support