Its okay not to be okay.
- Depression is feeling of low moods that lasts for weeks or months as well as affecting your daily moods.
- Feelings of depression may be feeling unhappy or hopeless, low self-esteem and finding you don’t enjoy the things you used to.
- Many things can cause depression such as stressful events, lifestyle, personality, family history and giving birth. These symptoms can range from mild to severe.
- At its mildest you may feel of a low mood or spirit whilst at its most severe you can feel suicidal.
- Most people will experience feelings of anxiety stress and low moods in difficult times in their lives. These feelings may improve over time rather than being a sign of depression.
What is depression?
Depression is a mental illness that can affect anyone but is treatable. 1 in 6 people can experience depression in their lives. It’s important to remember that depression isn’t a sign of weakness. There are so many treatments out there whether you have mild, moderate, or severe. It’s estimated that 3.8 % of the population suffer with depression, 5% of them being adults and 5.7% of them being over 60. (All facts according to the World Health Organisation.)
Depression can affect people in a variety of ways with different symptoms.
- Symptoms can range from long lasting feelings of unhappiness, low self-esteem and finding you don’t enjoy the things you usually would.
- People with depression often feel symptoms and feelings of anxiety.
- Depression can also have physical symptoms such as having no appetite, a bad sleeping habits, feeling tired all the time and having aches and pains.
When a low mood becomes depression.
Everyone will experience a low mood at some point in their lives. We all have things that can make us feel happy or sad, but usually these feelings pass over time. If these feelings continue over more than a few weeks and affect your daily life could be a sign you are experiencing depression.
Types of depression.
Seasonal affective disorder – this is a type of depression only occurs a certain time of the year and particular seasons.
Dysthymia– this is a continuous mild feeling of depression that can last for two years or more. This can also be known as chronic depression or persistent depressive disorder.
Prenatal depression– this can occur during pregnancy; it can also be known as antenatal depression.
Postnatal depression– this type of depression can occur in the first year after giving birth.
Treatment for depression usually involve a combination of lifestyle changes therapies and medication.
Therapies may include cognitive behavioural, interpersonal, and psychodynamic therapies.
Along with relaxation techniques and physical techniques.
Medical treatments.
The medical recommendations for your treatment will be based on whether you depression is mild or severe and what works best for you.
With mild symptoms your doctor may suggest wait to see if your feelings improve on their own this is called “watchful waiting”. They may also suggest trying lifestyle changes such as exercise and self-help books and groups.
For mild depression that isn’t improving or moderate depression a doctor may suggest trying cognitive behaviour therapies (CBT).
Antidepressants maybe prescribed for moderate and severe depression as well they may suggest having talking therapy alongside this.
For severe depression it may be recommended to a specialist mental health team for specialist treatments.
Lots of people who experience depression benefit from making changes in their lifestyles. Examples of this maybe getting more exercise even just going for walks, giving up smoking and eating healthy.
Reading self- help books and joint support groups can really help you have a better feeling of why you are experiencing your feelings.
Sharing your experiences with other people in similar situations can be really helpful and supportive.