What is stress?
- Everyone is experiencing at times, with all kinds of situations in our daily lives. There are lots of resources out there to help you manage your stress, from self-help apps, text and phone lines and peer support groups.
- Stress is our body’s reaction to when we feel under pressure and is very common, some people find stress motivating to help us achieve what they want too!
- Having too much stress can help us affect our moods, bodies. It can also make us feel anxious and out of control.
- People can experience burn-out after being stressed for a long period of time. Signs of burn-out are physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion over a long period of time.
Signs of stress and burnout.
- Feeling overwhelmed.
- Difficulty when concentrating, struggling with racing thoughts.
- Feeling irritable.
- Constantly scared, worried or anxious.
- Lacking self-confidence.
- Feeling tired all the time and having trouble sleeping.
- Eating less or more than you usually would.
- Drinking and smoking more.
Causes of stress.
The causes of stress can be different for everyone and the way it affects us. The stress levels people can manage will also be very different. Feelings of stress occur when we feel like we cannot manage or deal with the things we are facing in life.
Feeling pressured and overwhelmed at work, home or school can lead to feeling stress, as well as illness, life difficulties and sudden events.
Other causes may be:
- Difficulties in our personal and work lives and relationships.
- Health issues in yourself or someone else
- Feeling lonely housing problems.
- Unexpected life changes e.g., moving or having a baby.
- Genes, experiences, and up bringing’s
- Money problems and debts.
- Bereavement.
Types of stress.
Acute stress:
Acute stress can start within a few minutes or hours of the event. This usually lasts a short period of time and can be very intense. This will usually only last a few weeks. We can often experience acute stress after an unexpected event or upset such as bereavement.
Chronic stress.
This type of stress can last over a long period of time and can keep coming back. You can also experience chronic stress of you are under lots of pressure in your day-to-day life, for example your job.
Can stress become a mental health problem?
Generally, stress isn’t considered a mental health problem, however it can be connected to out mental health in many ways.
Stress can contribute to the cause of out mental health problems and can make pre-existing problems worse. Experiencing stress may lead to the development of anxiety or depression.
On the other hand, having mental health problems can cause stress. You may find it difficult to deal your daily symptoms. This can also be because of managing your healthcare such as appointment. Medications and treatments.
Managing your stress.
If you know you are going to be going through a stressful time, being prepared can make it easier to get through. Knowing how to deal with our well-being can help us to get back on our feet after a stressful event.
Our response to stress isn’t something that can be controlled some causes of stress are entirely out of our control.
Building a resilience.
Resilience and managing stress mean different things to different people. People’s experiences shape how they deal, view and feel about stress and how they respond to it.
Dealing with stress is very personal it may be harder for some to cope more than others.
Self-help tips.
Looking after your well-being is a big factor to helping you cope with your stress.
- Find time to relax. Taking a moment for ourselves can be a big help to how we feel.
- Finding hobbies and interests. Take a moment to do the things that you enjoy will distract you from your stress.
- Find time to relax. Allow yourself time to take short breaks. Take time in nature, it’s been proven that it can reduce your stress and improve your well-being.
- Look after yourself physically too! Stress can make it harder to look after our wellbeing. Trying to get enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and staying active can help us manage our stress a bit easier.
- Talking therapy.
Speaking to someone who is a trained professional is a great way to become aware of our thoughts and feelings, helping us deal with stress.
- Talking to your GP.
Talking to your GP is a great place to turn if your stress is affecting your mental and physical health over a long period of time.
- Medications.
Medications such as sleeping pills if your stress affecting your sleep. You may also be prescribed anti-depressants if your stress is causing you depression and anxiety.
- You may also experience physical symptoms such as IBS and high blood pressure your doctor may choose to prescribe you medications for these.
For families and friends.
Noticing signs and symptoms of stress.
Behaviour changes are a big sign that someone is struggling with stress. You may notice changes in eating habits, or they may be having trouble sleeping. They may be smoking more than usual or consuming more alcohol.
Take time to listen and talk to them.
Listening and talking to someone’s stress, in a non-judgmental way can really help a person make them feel a lot calmer out things. Reassuring them let them know things will get better.
Help them get support.
Help them find support for their mental health and well-being or alternatively help them get in contact with their GP.
Places to turn.
NHS Support.
When stress is affecting your daily life, you can still call 111 or talk to your GP. You can also find advice about stress and self on the NHS website.
Charities and help lines.
You can find support through Time To Change, The Samaritans website and joining the Stress Management Society.
There are lots of books and audio books to help you cope and manage your stress.
Organisations to contact.
- Anxiety UK Helpline: 03444755774 text: 07537416905
- Mind tools mindtools.com tips and articles for stress management.
- Samaritans 116123 jo@samaritans.org open 24/7
- NHS UK nhs.uk information on health and treatments.
Self-help apps.
Daily guided meditation to combat overwhelming worries about exam. Nature themed back grounds and picture along with audio books read by celebrities.
Stop breath think.
Support and advice for people under the age of 25. The app can guide you through a range of different challenges and encourages you to the tips and to manage your feelings around them. The app also teaches breathing techniques and coping strategies.