Susannah completes Ride London for YRMU

Thank you so much to Susannah Main who completed the Ride London event to raise funds for YRMU and raised over £500

“Close friends have told me how much this charity has meant to them through very difficult times; how wonderful and caring the staff have been.  

This is my chance to help, in a small way, anyone who finds themselves in the unthinkable situation of needing this kind of help.

Despite being needed more than ever, funding for this kind of vital service is too scarce.”

Sussanah said “I’m riding 100 miles on 29th May through London and Essex as part of the RideLondon event.

I enjoy cycling but this distance is going to be a challenge – I haven’t cycled long distances for a while.”

Thank you so much Susannah. We are so grateful for your support